Link-S Receiver | Magnet | Reed Switch

The Link-S Receiver, Magnet and Reed Switch is a solution to control lighting wirelessly through the opening and closing of doors. The magnet and reed switch are suitable for mounting on any door and frame/surround: opening the door will send a signal to the receiver to trigger the lighting. The magnet and reed switch are easily installed with 3M transfer tape and the small size of the components ensures a discreet appearance. The Link-S Receiver can control multiple lights within a kitchen, which means no more fumbling for switches in the dark, and no more wasted energy when forgetting to turn the lights off.

  • Cost Effective Solution (No electrical installation required)
  • Ideal for Wardrobe and Kitchen Cabinets
  • Compatible with Sensio Drivers
  • >8m Range
  • Battery life >3 years
  • One Receiver can support up to 5 Magnets + Reed switches
  • One Reed switch + Magnet can support up 5 Receivers
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