Blum Aventos HL top
AVENTOS HL top is well suited for cabinets that are positioned above and on worktops: a lift system that gives full freedom of movement. The lift up fitting can be used in cabinets up to 580 mm high and
1800 mm wide. With a cabinet mounted on the worktop, electrical appliances can be concealed behind the front.
- Ideal for small one-part fronts
- Cabinet height 300-580 mm
- Cabinet width up to 1800 mm
- Internal depth of at least 264 mm
- Integrated BLUMOTION adjustment feature for soft and effortless closing
- Light operating forces
- Variable stop
- Fixed position of the lift mechanism and front fixing bracket
- Symmetrical lever arm
- Tool-free assembly
- Two lift mechanism fixing methods
- 3-dimensional adjustment of the front
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